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Wild Five

Vanderbilt Teacher's Questionnaire  

Vanderbilt Parent ADHD Questionnaire

Child Behavior Issues


Mood Disorders Questionnaire MDQ 

Anxiety Screen

Burns Scale for Children

Alcohol Use Screen

Drug Use Questionnaire

Post trauma screen 

Burns Depression Scale

Connors' Performance Testing CPT II

The Conners’ Continuous Performance Test II (CPT II) is a valuable assessment tool that can reveal important information about an individual’s functioning. The instrument is helpful when a diagnosis of ADHD is being considered.The test is taken at a computer for children age 6 and older. The participant presses the space bar or clicks the mouse button when a letter other than X shows up onscreen.  Letters appear on the screen with different time intervals between each one. Exactly 14 minutes is required for completion not including instruction and a practice test.  This test shows strong validity.

Connors' Rating Forms

  • Wells-Connors Adolescent Self Checklist
  • Parent Rating Scale
  • Teachers Rating Scale

Achenbach System of Empirically Bases Assessments (ASEBS)

The ASEBA approach originated in the 1960s with Dr. Achenbach’s efforts to develop a more differentiated picture of child and adolescent psychopathology than was provided by the prevailing diagnostic system. (http://www.aseba.org/forms.html)

  • Child Behavioral Checklist CBCL
  • Teachers Report Form TRF
  • Adolescent Self Report ASR